Managing a platform for animal welfare groups
So they can focus on improving outcomes for animals in Australia.
Managed Hosting
We take care of your website on our AWS private cloud – managing things like web servers and DNS configuration at no cost to you so that you can have peace of mind.
Website Development
We consult with you to design, build and manage a perfectly customised WordPress website – providing premium software “plugins” (such as for fundraising) at no cost to you.
IT Systems Administration
We consult with you to procure, launch and customise your IT systems at no cost to you – integrating and automating busywork.
Technical Support
If you need technical support – we provide quick turnaround chat support through Slack that may be escalated to phone support (at no cost to you).
Dog Walking Clubs
To raise money for animal shelters.
Free-Range Fortnight
To raise money for cruelty-free farming.
Wilderness Stories
To raise money for native habitat conservation.